What Do The Stained Glass Windows On Your Denver,Colorado Church Symbolize?

What Do The Stained Glass Windows On Your Denver,Colorado Church Symbolize?

Stained Glass And Its Symbolic Meanings

Here in Denver, CO we have quite a few churches with magnificent stained glass. All around our wonderful city, churches, and chapels large and small, have windows graced with absolutely stunning stained glass. However, what many people may not know is that, here in Denver, and around the world, church stained glass windows also have deep meaning in its symbols and colors. In fact, most stained glass windows on churches are symbolic of deeper spiritual concepts. So, besides being amazingly beautiful, stained glass has significant meaning too. If you want to understand what the stained glass in your Denver church symbolizes, read below to find out more.

Why Symbols And Colors Were Used On Stained Glass

In churches here in Denver and across the world for that matter, the symbols on wood carvings, tapestries, and stained glass all contain meaning. Of course, stained glass windows were made to be aesthetically attractive but had a dual purpose as an education tool. In the Gothic times, most people, especially poor ones, were unable to read. So, the churches, by using pictures, symbols, and colors on stained glass and other church features were able to educate the commoners. They were akin to picture books. In fact, stained glass windows were actually called “ The Bible of the Poor” due to the fact they were so heavily involved in instructing illiterate peasants. After reading became the norm, these symbols, and colors, which were already established in their meaning, continued to convey specific spiritual messages even to this day.

Common Stained Glass Symbols And Colors And Their Meaning

Jesus:  Lifelike images, crosses, lambs, shepherds

The Holy Spirit: flames, winds, a white dove

The Saints: a man or woman; symbols associated with them, the manner in which they were martyred him or her

Virgin Mary: A female figure often wearing blue, the color blue


Stained Glass Color Symbolism

Black: Death
Blue: Heavenly Love, Virgin
Brown: Death
Grey: Mourning, Humility
Green: Spring, Charity, Life over death
Purple: Royalty God The Father
Red: Love, Hate, Martyred
Violet: Love, Truth, Passion, Suffering
White/Gold: Innocence, Holiness
Yellow: Jealousy, Treason, Deceit

If your Denver church has stained glass that you would like to restore, repair and ultimately preserve for the next generation, contact us at Stained Glass Denver today!

Martin Faith is a talented artisan, collector of antique stained glass, and the owner of Stained Glass Denver. For over thirty years, Martin has been running his company in Denver using the techniques he learned as a stained glass artisan in Scotland. He has devoted his life's work to perfecting the art form and studying its history. Martin's company specializes in custom creations, which are made using the highest quality materials and authentic, original designs. In addition to residential and commercial stained glass, the company also offers services for churches and religious buildings. Over the years, Stained Glass Denver has completed numerous restorations of historic stained glass and produced over 50,000 windows.

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